Darling Darling Stay With Me Shawlette (English only)
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Out Of My Head Shawlette - English only
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Scarf with loop - comes in both english and norwegian version!
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Tempo`s Headcoat - (English only) -
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1. I have been informed about a typo in the info: It says: “4DPNs, size 4mm. 3 med mer DPNs might be needed to attatch the brim”. It should of course be “3 mm DPNs might be needed to attatch the brim.”
2. When starting at Step 3: Cast on 3 stitches on 4 mm DPNs!
3. Step 4: Row 1 should read: (k2, p2t) till end of row, and NOT (k1, p2t) till end of row…
mono`s Kattelue -
(Norwegian only) -
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